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Why choose Kiian inks


In business we all know and understand the meaning of “Head Count” but if we turn it on its head and use the term in relation to digital printing “Head Count” can take on a completely different meaning. Use cheap inferior inks that are not compatible with your heads and count how many heads you may damage and replace over time. Then do the maths, head cost, labour cost and then factor in both time and material lost. The truth is it doesn’t add up cheap inks are what they say “Cheap Inks”

Fact: The speed of Digital Printing is governed by head technology and head technology is governed by the ability to get ink through the head to the point of print with speed, accuracy and consistency. That statement again is fact and the main fundamental reason why at Sabur Ink Systems we only work with trusted forward thinking ink companies, that not only produce ink but produce “New Generation Inks” through their investment in Research and Development.
Sabur are proud to boast that we partner with Kiian Digital one of the world’s largest producers of digital inks, Kiian Digital (formally Manoukian) have a brand new state of the art manufacturing plant in Northern Italy producing world class leading products. Their attention to detail in the design of their bespoke ink manufacturing plant ensures that to produce the very best ink quality the ink has to pass through several Quality Assurance check points and is signed off by several key personnel on each and every batch before production is released to their bottling plant. I’d like to say producing digital textile inks isn’t rocket science, but it pretty much is.

As a trusted and long term partner of Kiian I have visited the Kiian manufacturing plant on several occasions and I can guarantee that the above statement is Fact. Kiian invest heavily in Research and Development and work together with head manufacturers to ensure that they remain as world leading suppliers of textile printing inks.

In 2018 Sabur Ink Systems will be celebrating Twenty Years of providing world leading products in to the UK Digital Textile Industry and are proud to partner with Kiian Digital.
If you are looking to invest in ink technology “Use Your Head” don’t lose your heads !!!
To discuss any of the above please visit

Dean Sanger – Managing Director Sabur Ink Systems Ltd

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